Survey - WEST

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 Yes, I have used it once
 Yes, I have used it twice
 Yes, I have used it more than twice
 No, I haven't used it
Yes, pls go to #5
 1 week
 2 weeks
 3 weeks
 more than 3 weeks
 Does not apply
 Yes, because of stressors at work
 Yes, because of stressors regarding personal/family issues
 No, I changed jobs because of other reasons
 Boss or co-workers' emotions affected my performance;
 My job responsibilities changed and I was not able to follow:
 I was not given enough details to complete a task with success;
 I was given too much work to do and I feel job is never complete;
 Family-related concerns affected my performance at work. i.e. quarrels with spouse;
 Co-corkers are not cooperative and they made my job difficult;
 My working environment is too noisy and I often lose focus;
 I perform better during the day (or night), but I was put on night (or day) shift
 Others. Please specify below.
 below 20 years old
 21-25 years old
 26-30 years old
 31-35 years old
 36-40 years old
 41-45 years old
 46-50 years old
 51-55 years old
 56-60 years old
 over 60 years old
 High school
 Vocational/Trade school
 Bachelor's degree
 Master's degree
 Doctoral degree
 10,000 - 20,000
 20,001 - 30,000
 30,001 - 40,000
 40,001 - 50,000
 50,001 - 60,000
 60,001 - 70,000
 70,001 - 80,000
 above 80,000
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